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+86 13431118365
Miss Leung

Dongguan Huazhan Wire & Cable Co., LTD. 2023 Dragon Boat Festival holiday notice

Author:Admin   Release Date:2023-06-12 09:30:00   Click Volume:

Each department of the company:

The Dragon Boat Festival in 2023 is coming, according to "the holiday is to allow people to rest their body and mind at the same time, better inherit and carry forward the Chinese tradition.

Section "slogan, combined with the actual situation of our company, by our company's research and decision, make the following holiday arrangements:

Dragon Boat Festival holiday 3 days, from June 22 (Thursday Dragon Boat Festival)- June 24 (Saturday) a total of 3 days, June 25 (Sunday) normal work.

Please pay attention to personal property and personal safety during the holiday.

Please understand the inconvenience caused by the holiday and wish: all staff and new and old customers Dragon Boat Festival well-being ~

Hereby inform

Dongguan Huazeng wire and cable Co., LTD

June 12th, 2023.

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Mobile:+86 13431118365
Contact:Miss Leung
Q Q:506733089
Address:No. 18, Changping Xinfeng Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

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Record:ICP 2023060349-1


+86 13431118365