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What are the main applications of high flexible cable?

Author:小编   Release Date:2023-06-04 22:21:58   Click Volume:

With the continuous improvement of China's industrialization level, the requirements of equipment and products need to be more accurate and safe. Especially in the field of tow chain cable, the development is very rapid, its application to more and more places.

Although the popularity of the tow chain cable is very high, but many people may still know little about it. As a professional production and manufacture of high flexible Cable Huazhan Cable more than ten years, now to tell you what is the cable? What are the general application areas of the tow chain cable?

1. What is a towing cable?

The essence of the cable is a kind of cable, but it needs to be reflected in the "drag chain" two words, that is to say, the drag chain cable is able to move with our equipment and then the drag chain cable moves with it. Towing cable is divided into ordinary towing cable and high soft towing cable. We are usually talking about high flexible cable here, so the cable is also reflected in a "soft" word. Towed chain cable to cooperate with the equipment to move back and forth, so the flexibility and high requirements. So it is called the (high soft) towed chain cable.

2. What are the application areas of towing cable?

As such a developed country, it can be said that the most widely used towed chain cable is in the industrial field, common machine tool equipment, laser equipment, automatic line equipment, etc. At the same time, with the rise of new industrial robots and efficient logistics transportation, tow chain cable is also widely used in the industrial robot arm, and the shadow of tow chain cable is indispensable in the efficient logistics transportation and picking system.

The use of tow chain cable is very wide, basically are relatively large places in use.

Huazhan Cable is an enterprise specializing in the production of high-flexible towing chain cables. There are many types of towing chain cables. Different types are used in different fields. A friend needs to customize or understand the drag chain cable, may wish to add our contact information or leave us a message to learn more.


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